Christmas Neighbor Gift Done
I'm admittedly picky about some things in life. Smells are one of them.
During the Christmas season my house better smell like Christmas. I want people to walk in the front door and immediately feel like Bing Crosby is sitting at the table with a plate of gingerbread cookies.
So naturally my choice for a neighbor gift is to pass around the smell of Christmas. I've seen this idea on Pinterest a few times, we've done it for the last 5 or 6 years. (You can even see Soni putting these together in our Silent Night music video!)
It's incredibly simple, the kids can help, and it's pretty inexpensive if you get the cinnamon sticks and cloves in bulk. (Winco, you're my BFF.)
The baby "helping"
So in case you haven't seen this before, here's the recipe for Christmas Potpourri
1 orange
1/2 cup cranberries
5-6 small cinnamon sticks
1 Tbsp. whole cloves
Slice the orange, then place all ingredients in a saucepan, covering with water. Simmer on your stove, adding water as needed. This can last up to two days--just stick it in your fridge at night and pull it back out the next morning!
That's it! And if you decide to gift these to your neighbors, here's some free tags to attach to your gifts! Super easy.